Hello and welcome on my website which is fully dedicated to amateur radio.
My interests
- Home building stuff
- Contesting
- especially HF all modes (CW, Digital and SSB)
- Antennas
- Almost every other aspect in amateur radio
Homebrew projects
Some homebrew projects on the website are:
- Multiband wire vertical
- A shortened 40 meter rotary dipole
- W1JR type chokes
- Active receive loop
Some homebrew projects but not on the website (ready)
- 2×10 switch (N and PL version)
- 1×2 switch (6)
- 1*10 switch (6)
- Stackmatches (design RemoteQTH) (6)
- Node red to switch it all on RaspBerry Pi and Arduino mega using GPIO ports
- Many Chinese 16 relay boards
Some homebrew projects but not on the website (on the table now)
- Fixing the high damping on the two bought 5B4AGN 6 band filters
- Building six KW+ bandpassfilters (PI4CC design)
- Building 9 circle receive antenna (VE6WZ pcb boards) – only room for 3 in-line
- More..
QSLing – I do not send paper QSLs. I do post contacts to LOTW.
73′ Thomas